Best selection of aquatic and marginal plants in Estonia

Aquatic plants

Water lilies, aquatic plants, marginal plants, wetland plants.

Pond equipment for sale

Fountains, irrigation pumps, plant filters, accessories

Construction of ponds

Construction and renovation of ponds


Ojaääre property, Ojaääre road 3
Kuldre, Võrumaa
Visits by arrangement

water lilies

tiger plants

aquatic plants

tiger plants

wetland plants

tiger plants

Marginal plants

tiger plants
tiger plants

On this website you can get an overview of the new product line of Tiigitehnika OÜ, which has developed due to the growing demand for pond and water bodies landscaping. We offer carefully selected plants that we use in the landscaping of our customer ponds. Our plant range includes water lilies, aquatic plants, marginal plants and wetland plants.


The team at believes that everyone will find something new and exciting to enhance their garden in our selection of plants. We are consistly expanding our range of goods, so it’s worth coming back to our site. But if you are in need of a plant that doesn’t stand out on the website, please contact us, hopefully we can help!

Contact us!

+372 51 03709